A year goes by and my lil boy has turned ONE! How time flies that it feels like it was just yesterday that I gave birth to him. I could still remember when I couldn't sleep in the nights and waiting for the 'show' to come. Nights after nights I waited but nothing showed on. Due to that, he was born through an induction as my pregnancy went overdue. Few days after the due had passed, an internal examination was done by a midwife to see if the cervix feels ‘ripe’ for labour. ‘Stretch and sweep’ was done i.e. sweeping her fingers around my cervix to separate the membranes from the uterine wall. It was hoping to stimulates the cervix and help to speed up the show of labour. According to the midwife, I would be experiencing cramps and a show and, if the sweep is effective, labour normally starts within 48 hours. Two days passed by and nothing happens *sigh*
During the next meeting with the midwife, I was given an appointment with Jessop Wing Hospital for an induction. I was admitted on 14 August 2009 at 11 am. At 12 pm I was given the 'Pessaries'. Pessaries containing prostaglandins (hormones that encourage the cervix to ripen and dilate) was then placed in my vagina. The baby’s heartbeat was monitored at first to ensure that he’s coping. The pessaries was left inside for the period of 12 hours. It might take more than one dose of pessaries to get labour going, and they only work for around 50 per cent of women. The other half will need additional help - hey I was one of them!
After 12 hours of waiting with no show of labour, midwife came and checked my progress. It was only 4cm opening but she told me that I could be transferred to the labour room for the next process. Phew..what a tiring and anxious moment to gave birth to him. But I was excited as I was closer to meet my baby! All the fears have gone. The labour process started with breaking the waters (artificial rupture of the membranes). The midwife used a long hook to gently burst the bag of waters and this often stimulates the onset of strong labour. As soon as the waters was broken, the contraction pain was getting so intense.
I didn't cried when giving birth to my 2 daughters, but this time I cried in pain as the pain was so intense that I could not bear. Felt like double the pain when I gave birth to my daughters. I had been struggling for the period of 4 hours before he was born naturally with no tear at all. Alhamdulillah, what a relief that I won't be experiencing that stitches again! I guessed the midwife really helps. I was listening to her advise when to push and when to stop and pant, and allow myself to open up gradually. Not to forget the use of breathing exercises to help in this process.
It was 6.40pm on 15 August 2009 that Qais Usaimin came to this world. He brings so much happiness to both me and hubby and also both the girls. Happy Birthday Qais Usaimin! We love you.
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